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Welcome to the Shove Yours page.

Question: what the heck is 'Shove Yours'?

I guess I need to explain. I've developed a push tool for web pages. What is a push tool you ask? Rather than tell you, I'd prefer to show you. Click anywhere on this page, and, holding the mouse button down, drag up, down, left and right. You can't do that with most web pages. Until now. More on that later.

This capability isn't new to computers. If you've read PDF docs in Adobe's popular Acrobat Reader, for instance, or dragged a map around within GoogleMaps you've used this feature. Also several graphics packages allow you to do this. I wish word processors and text editors had this feature. I can't do much about that short of writing my own. More work than I wish to take on at this stage of my life.

However, I dreamed of having Acrobats' push capability for my web pages. So after writing a bunch of JavaScript (the language available in nearly all web browsers) I made that happen.

Q: If this is a 'push' tool, why do you call it 'Shove Yours'?

As you may know it isn't easy finding domain names these days. Since they are so cheap to register (about $10 a year), many organizations and individuals speculatively register as many names as they can think of. So it's hard to find ones still available. I tried to register push.com, push_tool.com, and a few dozen other variants. At some point a lightbulb went off in my head and I remember a phrase from an episode of All in the Family, the popular television series of the 70's.

Archie Bunker was having a conversation with his neighbor Lionel. He was complaining that there was never any space left in his bathroom medicine cabinet. Lionel mentioned that in his house he solved the problem by filling a cardboard box with his stuff and shoving it under the sink. He then went on to say: "so maybe you can ... shove yours". An expression was born. So I was shocked to see that this domain name was actually available and I snatched it while I could.

Q: Why do I need this tool? Aren't there lots of ways to scroll a page? The scroll bar, for instance? And then there's the mouse scroll wheel, the keyboard up, down, page up, and page down keys?

Yes, that's true. Let's start with the scroll bar. This is the best tool for moving quickly through a page. But it's not so good for long pages when the bar shrinks to a thin sliver. It's hard for some to 'grab' it with their mouse, it's easy to 'slip off', and it becomes hard to position the page precisely.

The mouse's scroll wheel is much more precise and better when you're reading line by line. But it still may move the page more quickly than desired. The up and down keys work better, but they force you to take your hands off the mouse.

The value of the push tool is that you move the page exactly where you want it. Motion is linear in that the page moves exactly as much as you push it. And you never have to take your hands off the mouse. I find it to be very satisfying, and I created this page because I was guessing that there just may be some of you out there who feel the same way.

Q: Did you mention something about using this feature on other pages?

Yes, see below.

Please read the following:

While we've taken steps to make this code as bug free as possible there is no way I can guarantee that it will work with every possible browser version and platform available. See the box below for a list of currently tested configurations

You are strongly advised NOT to use the 'Shove Yours' push tool on any page where a page refresh could cause you to loose money or crucial information. This includes sites for banking, investment, medical, or any page which uses the HTTPS protocol.

Starting and stopping the push tool:

When you navigate to a page and then click on the bookmark you made, it should enable dragging on that page. If you wish to deactivate the feature, clicking on the little SY box in the bottom right corner of the page, or holding the CTRL key while you click on the page should accomplish that. In my testing thus far, this hasn't always worked 100%, unfortunately.

If you refresh the page, however, the feature always goes away and you have to click again if you want to re-enable it. If you find you no longer want it at all, simply delete the bookmark and it's gone.

How is it that this link works with all these different pages?

It uses something called a bookmarklet. This is a technology most browsers have, of running snippets of JavaScript code on most web pages.

Since I'm down to one computer and usually you can only have one version of a browsers on your pc at a time, I'm limited in the scenaria I can test. Maybe later I can create a GoogleDoc and allow users to put in their own results. This PC runs Windows Vista.

Microsft Vista 32 on Intel
  1. I don't have those versions but IE-9 has a mode which can simulate some older versions, which seems to work for me okay.
  2. There is a little box which should appear in the bottom right corner of the page. Clicking on this should deactivate the push tool. If, for some reason, it doesn't appear, you should still be able to ctrl+click on the page to disable the functionality. If that doesn't work, refreshing the page will always clear it of all bookmarklet activity such as this.